Allie Rigby

Allie Rigby

Santa Ana


  • Author
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  • School Naturalist
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  • Teacher
Activism & Advocacy, Writing & Literature Pedagogy, Community & Engagement, Counseling & Mentorship, Education Leadership
Outdoor Education, Project Based Learning, Student Centered, Vocational Education, Higher Education, Cross-Cultural Learning Curiculum, Online Education, Public Education


My Teaching Philosophy

In my six years of leading outdoor education experiences with youth, and my three years of facilitating writing workshops with adults, I have been honored to learn and grow alongside my students. In both of these fields, I value a student-centered approach that prioritizes the voices and needs of each person. Writing workshops and outdoor education work are similar in that they need a welcoming atmosphere, ample space for listening, and physical space for exploring connections to nature, each other, and place. Trust is central to these experiences, as is humility, respect, and of course, joy!  As a facilitator, I believe that it is my role to guide discussions, establish group norms and agreements, and offer activities to explore the connection to writing and nature. I offer three main workshops right now: Writing the Self Wild, Writing to Heal, and Poetry & Placemaking for Educators. Most of these workshops are taught through Point Reyes National Seashore Association and Pepperwood Preserve. Please contact me for customized workshops and writing retreats as well.