I’m in the process of exploring what being human and humane is all about. Recently, the issue of "what is my mission?" came up ... The answer, at the moment, is to be a loving person and to study healing.
An original examination of the Human Design System from the perspective of the Body-graph and its geometry. This, of course, includes the order of the I'Chin…
Photographs and videos of New Mexico petroglyphs largely around Santa Fe and Sunshine Valley. We have recorded simultaneous events occurring on different im…
My goal is self-therapy by "doodling" - to encourage others to consider their doodles as ART. I am also including some of my past collages, early doodle piec…
When I last visited my mother, when she was 93 and probably in dementia, I felt a need to be creative and a story came to me about a couple where the man ha…
I want to share what I enjoy and make it available to others as an inspiration for them to go out and take photos in Nature
I will search for some of my poems and type them here... and also add new poems, as I compose them...