Teri Knox

Teri Knox

West Sacramento

Street Art

  • Art Critic
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  • Performer
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  • Public Speaker
Mural Art, Graffiti, Stencil Art, Wheatpast Art, Installation Art, Interactive Art, Chalk Art, Sticker Art, Fiber Art, Light Art

I judge cities by the content of the artistic conversation that is happening on it’s walls, alleyways, and sidewalks. No apologies.

Personal Statement

I’ve traveled around quite a bit, from coast to coast and over seas… I have mostly done this without a lot of money, with a lot of gusto. I should also premise this with the fact that I grew up with the Smithonian in Washington DC as my teenage playground. I adore a good museum. Which leads up to the topic of public art and its influence on the population that perceives it. What a city will put up and support in it’s commuinities… and what it’s people put up on walls, doors, alleyways, sidewalks… enhancements and resistance. The conversation is there to be seen should you choose to look.