Teri Knox

Teri Knox

West Sacramento

Leather Crafting

  • Artist
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  • Craftsperson
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  • Designer
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  • Entrepreneur
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  • Leather Worker

I dig leather. As a young midevilist, I couldn’t afford what I wanted for myself. I learned to make some things from bags of scraps. Then I discovered sewing with rivets. Sweetness!

Personal Statement

INFULENCES: My Mom was a single mom and we had a serious budget. We also had amazing fun together that we made up along the way. I dig leather, costumes, sci fi cons, Ren Faires and the SCA (Society of Creative Anachronisms). GROWING PAINS: I learned by playing around with scraps and seeing incredible example, real time, of what I should try to strive for myself. There have been many babysteps along the path. My journey has lead me to make things for myself, my friends and family, and clients. JOURNEYMAN: More recently, under Absolute Swagger (with my partner, Heather) I’ve gotten a chance to make some cool stuff and there’s still so much to do. I don’t know so much and am gathering knowledge and skills as I go to push the boundaries of where I’ve been. Welcome to this, most current, part of my leather adventures.