Marjorie Robertson's CV


Published Short Fiction

June, 2021
Teotihuacán/The Ekphrastic Review
July, 2020
Wild Hearts Don't Break: 1980/The Ekphrastic Review
December, 2018
Open Window/Grain Magazine
May, 2016
Blue Dove/The Quarterly
September, 2014
The Gleaners/Santa Fe Writers Project
August, 2005
Interior with View of the Ocean/Inversion Magazine
April, 2022
Orange and Yellow /The Ekphrastic Review
April, 2024
Breezy Day: 1981/The Memory Palace: ekphrastic anthology
My short fiction was chosen to be included in this print anthology of ekphrastic works

Published Essays

July, 2021
Creating the Immeasurable One Sip at a Time/Medium
December, 2020
The Blue Angel/The Ekphrastic World Anthology 2020
February, 2020
4 Ways to Rediscover our Authentic Self in the Blue Light Era/Elephant Journal
January, 2020
February, 2015
Profile of a French Immersion Student in 1977/The French Embassy of the United States
June, 2010
September, 2011
Reclaiming your Essence During Illness/Touch Journal, Issue 11
August, 2005
Sweet Summertime/Missouri Life
September, 1999
Ancient art of storytelling faces competition from technology/The Sunday Journal

Awards & Honors

September, 2015
The University of Chicago Center Residency/ Paris
Awarded a research residency to conduct interviews for a book
January, 2013
Chapman University Writer's Workshop / Orange
Ten writers chosen for a 5-month long workshop with Richard Bausch
August, 2008
Community of Writers at Squaw Valley Fiction Writing Workshops
Scholarship recipient
May, 2014
Bitters in the Honey/William Faulkner-William Wisdom Writing / New Orleans
First novel was a semifinalist in the 2014 William Faulkner-William Wisdom Writing Competition.
September, 2022
Wild Hearts Don't Break and other stories/Santa fe writers project
Short story collection longlisted in the 2022 Santa Fe Writers Project Award.